Clark County Fire Department
Explorer Program

Before Test Day
The New Member Packet must be picked up and completed prior to Test Day. Forms can be picked up at the CCFD Training Center (Monday-Thursday 06:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) located at 4425 W. Tropicana Las Vegas, NV 89103. This packet must be completed fully and brought in with the candidate on test day. If the forms are not properly completed, which includes a Notary, you will not be able to participate in the testing process. If you have questions, please contact Kyle Zinovitch by calling 702.324.7649.
New Member Packet
1. Complete the Explorer Information Sheet. You must print legibly on this form.
2. Complete the Waiver of Liability. If the person wanting to become an Explorer is not 18 years old, the Waiver must be completed by a parent or adult guardian. If this form is not completed properly, it will be rejected. This form must be notarized.
3. Have a Physician complete the Fit for Volunteering Form. Physicals must be completed within one year of applying to become an Explorer. The Fit for Volunteering Form is the only document we can accept. We cannot accept other physician completed paperwork, as it will likely contain protected health information. Ensure the physician (MD, DO, or PA) signs the form as well as checks the Cleared for all sports without restriction box. Any other checked box will prevent you from being able to participate in our program.
***All three of these forms need to be brought with you on Testing Day. If these forms are not completed correctly, you will be dismissed from the testing process. These forms are required in order for you to participate in Testing Day activities. Ensure all three forms are stapled/together so that they cannot become separated.
Exploring Application
Once you have completed the Testing Day requirements and are accepted into the Explorer program, you will be given an Exploring Application. This application is required by the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) and needs to be completed and turned in by the next Explorer Meeting. Completing this application enrolls you into the BSA and provides secondary insurance. More about this is explained at Observation Day or by contacting Explorer Post #123 leadership. The cost of joining the BSA Explorer’s program is about $44.