Clark County Fire Department
Explorer Program

What Happens on Test Day?
The Clark County Fire Department Explorer Program will conduct two (2) open enrollment testing dates yearly. The program size will dictate how many candidates are chosen to become a probationary Explorer. If you are not chosen, you may retest in six months.
The New Member Packet must be picked up prior to Test Day. Forms can be picked up at the CCFD Training Center (Monday-Thursday 06:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.) located at 4425 W. Tropicana Las Vegas, NV 89103. This packet must be (fully) completed and brought in with the candidate on test day. If the forms are not properly completed, which includes being notarized, you will not be able to participate in the testing process.
The written exam will consist of a 25-question test from the study material found inside the Study Guide (Under Construction).
70% or greater is needed to pass the test. We may be limited on how many new Explorers we can accept so the higher the score, the better chance you have of being accepted into the program.
Don't wait until a few days before the test to study the material. The more you read the Explorers Enrollment Test Study Guide (Under Construction), the better chance you will have to retain the information resulting in a higher grade. Remember, the questions on the enrollment test come from the study guide (under construction).

Physical Fitness Test
The physical fitness test is a
PASS/ FAIL test and consists of:
1 Mile Run within 13 Minutes
20 Push Ups
20 Sit Ups
10 Dips
1 Pull Up
Practice makes perfect! If you do not get on a workout routine prior to the testing date, you have a strong possibility of failing.
To prepare you for the physical fitness that the explorer program provides click on the Workout Routine tab and start practicing.

Written Exam

Oral Interview
The oral interview is conducted just like an oral interview for the Clark County Fire Department. In this interview, you will be asked a series of questions to allow the Advisors to get to know you.
First impressions mean the most in any interview. Walk in, shake everyone’s hands, look them in the eye, and introduce yourself. Don't sit until asked to do so.
Sir/Ma'am before and after each statement or answer will show the Advisors the highest level of respect.
Example: Sir, My name is Joe Smith Sir.
Answer all questions to the best of your ability. Be excited to be in this testing process. Thank the Advisors and shake everyone’s hands after the interview is complete.